Anyway, I am going to give another delish food recipe for sure it's gonna be easy brizzy for everyone. And for my lovely Indonesian friends, I will also give the recipe in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language). Hehehe.. by the way, for Indonesian Burek sounds a little bit funny as a food name coz Burek means "blurry or vague" in Bahasa Indonesia. But of course it's nothing to do with its meaning in Bahasa Indonesia. I would say the taste of Burek, especially My Burek (The Turkishindo style Burek), is closer to taste and texture of "Martabak Mesir".
Burek is one of authentic foods of Mediterranean Countries like Turkey and Bosnia. First time I tried Burek, it was from my Turkish friend who invited for dinner in her apartment. I thought only Turkish has the Burek but I figured out later on the Ramadhan's Iftar at Bosnian Masjed, the Bosnian also have their own Burek. Anyway, I love both the Turkish and Bosnian Burek. Sooo.. let's try my Turkishindo Burek :)
- 1 package of Fillo Dough (any brand, you can find it at most groceries store. I got mine at the arab store)
- 1 stick of Unsalted Butter, equal to 1/2 cup or 4 ounce (melt it down) and about 1/2 table spoon of butter for the pan
- 3 eggs (beat them)
- Some Sesame seeds (to be sprinkled on the top of Burek)
- a square or rectangle cake pan
Filling Ingredient:
- 400-500 grams of beef's meat
- 1 medium onion (chop into small pieces)
- 2-3 cloves of garlic (chop into small pieces)
- Some salt (as you like)
- 1-2 table spoon white of Black pepper (as you like)
- 1 cube of Beef or chicken broth
- 1-2 table spoon of curry powder
- 2-3 table spoon of sweet soy sauce (Indonesian brand is the best hehehe) if it's hard to find feel free to not using it
- 2 table spoon of Oil or butter
- 2 table spoon of cream cheese
- 2 green onion (chop)
- 2 celery (chop)
fry the onion and garlic till it gives you good smell and golden in color. Add beef, and then sat, pepper, curry powder, beef or chicken broth (cube or powder), sweet soy sauce and then stir them till cooked. After when it almost cooked, add the green onion, celery and cream cheese. when the filling is ready, let it cool down for a while before using it.
- On the bottom of the pan.. wipe all the butter to the the pan surface
- Put the first layer of Fillo dough (you can cut the dough following the size of the pan) and then using the cooking brush (basting brush) spread the melted butter on the first layer of Fillo dough and then spread the eggs on it (you can use another brush or using spoon anyway easier for you). After adding butter and eggs, put another layer (the 2nd layer) of Fillo dough into the pan and repeat exactly the same way until the 8th layer.
- On the 8th layer, after spreading butter and eggs, spread half part of the filling (seasoned beef). After that add another layer of Fillo dough, repeat the same method of spreading butter and eggs till the 16th layer
- On the 16th layer, after spreading butter and eggs, spread another half part of the filling (seasoned beef) on it. and then add another layer and repeat adding butter and eggs all over it till the 24th layer
- On the final top of the Burek, spread the eggs and then cut the burek slowly into 20-24 small squares (depend on the size of the pan) and then ad the sesame seed
- Preheat the oven 350 F
- Bake the Burek for 30 minutes (or more, make sure you check it)
And that's it :) Let's try :)
Buat teman teman Indo :) Ini resep Burek dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Bahan Dasar:
- 1 pak Fillo Dough (buat yang di Indo khususnya yang di Jakarta bisa nyari di Ranch Market)
- Sekitar 113 gram mentega (cairin di tempat terpisah)
- 3 butir telur (kocok lepas)
- Wijen (untuk ditabur di atas Burek)
- Loyang kue yang kotak atau persegi panjang (pastiin agak dalam jangan tipis)
Bahan Isian:
- 400-500 grams daging sapi
- 1 buah bawang bombay (rajang halus)
- 2-3 buah bawang putih (rajang halus)
- Garam (sesuai selera)
- 1-2 sendok makan lada (boleh tambah atau kurang, sesuai selera)
- Kaldu blok atau bubuk (secukupnya)
- 1-2 sendok makan bubuk kari
- 2-3 sendok makan kecap manis (boleh tambah atau kurang, sesuai selera)
- 2 sendok makan minyak atau mentega (untuk menumis)
- 2 sendok makan cream cheese (kalo nggak suka creamy nggak pake gapapa, boleh diganti keju cedar kalo susah nyari cream cheese)
- 2 batang bawang daun (rajang)
- 2 batang seledri (rajang)
Buat isinya, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih sampe harum terus masukin semua bumbu lainnya. Pas hampir mateng, tambah daun bawang dan seledri sama cream cheese nya. Aduk lagi sampe mateng terus kalo udah jadi dinginkan sebelum dipake.
Cara Membuat:
- Oleskan mentega ke seluruh permukaan loyang
- Letakkan lapisan pertama kulit pastry atau fillo dough kemudian oleskan mentega leleh dan telur. Ulangi cara ini sampai lapisan ke 8.
- Pada lapisan ke 8 setelah diberi metega dan telur, taburkan merata setengah dari isian, kemudian setelah rata, tambahkan lapisan fillo dough dan ulangi cara pertama hingga lapisan ke 16
- Pada lapisan ke 8 setelah diberi metega dan telur, taburkan merata sisa setengah dari isian, kemudian setelah rata, tambahkan lapisan fillo dough dan ulangi cara pertama hingga lapisan ke 24
- Pada lapisan paling atas oleskan telur secara merata kemudian potong perlahan Burek hingga 20-24 baian kecil (sesuai ukuran loyang). Pada bagian atas yg telah dilumuri telur, taburkan biji wijen (sesuai selera).
- Panaskan oven pada suhu176 Celcius (350 Fahrenheit)
- Panggang Burek selama kurang lebih 30 menit (pastikan di cek yaaa)
Gimana? gampang kan. Selamat mencoba :)